Wretched !

I saw a film last night.. It was about Charles Darwin and at one point he was talking about how he hadn’t enjoyed training as a doctor: ‘All those wretched patients,’ he said. And there was a flicker in my mind. Did he mean by this that the patients were …

Gnomes and Sylphs

The 16th century Phillippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus Von Hohenheim was a very clever man. With such a long name he was known as Paracelsus . No one knows why. Paracelsus invented words. Sometimes he invented words for things that existed: he named zinc zinc because it forms into jagged crystals …

“No qualms”

Imagine someone saying they have “no qualms” about something. It evokes a sense of ease, a lack of hesitation. But did you know this seemingly tame word once carried a much darker meaning? Brace yourselves, language lovers, because “qualm” has quite the dramatic tale to tell. In the rough and …

Farting lane

Another story on a seemingly non-descript part of London On Carting Lane near the five star Savoy Hotel is a Webb Patent sewer gas lamp, which was invented in the late19th Century by Joseph Webb as a way to draw off bad smells from the underground sewer system and as …

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